Page results

  • Northumberland minor injuries unit to temporarily close

    A Northumberland minor injuries unit will need to temporarily close as a result of the next period of industrial action.

  • General medicine

    Sometimes symptoms or test results may not tell us that one specific problem exists (such as with your heart, lungs or bowel). In these cases you may be referred to one of our general medicine…

  • Primary Mental Health Work

    Our Primary Mental Health Work service is an early intervention and prevention service. We help children and young people up to the age of 18. We also support their families and carers in…

  • Public asked to #DoYourBit to protect the NHS by keeping A&E free for serious emergencies

    Public asked to #DoYourBit to protect the NHS by keeping A&E free for serious emergencies Health leaders across the North East are asking people to do their bit this winter by thinking…

  • Adult weight management

    The adult weight management service allows you to talk with someone who is trained in emotional wellbeing. We can help with:    Supporting you to understand and change…

  • Your NHS needs you to get involved and help shape its future

    Your NHS needs you to get involved and help shape its future At this important time in the history of the NHS, a call has gone out for Northumberland and North Tyneside residents to step up and…

  • Northumbria Healthcare leads way on additional birthing partners

    Northumbria Healthcare leads way on additional birthing partners Those giving birth in Northumberland can now have two people supporting them in hospital, as part of ongoing efforts to ensure…

  • Alcohol and drug use in pregnancy

    This webpage gives information on the effects of drug and alcohol use in pregnancy. It is not meant to judge you or upset you. It gives accurate, evidence-based information to help you stop your drug…

  • Staying safe in the sun

    Tips to stay safe in the sun during warm spells.

  • Health psychology

    Across the trust, we believe that you cannot support someone without understanding their physical difficulties, the emotional impacts, and what matters to them and those around them. It is normal…