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The Nutrition and Dietetics Service is a team consisting of Dietitians, Dietetic Assistant/Practitioners, Nurses and Administration staff. We see patients across all of Northumbria (adults and…
When you arrive, our staff and hospital volunteers will be happy to direct you to the ward or department you need to go to. As some of the hospitals are large, our maps should help you see where…
Research on life expectancy highlights need for vital health inequalities efforts
Research on life expectancy highlights need for vital health inequalities efforts New research on life expectancy has underlined the importance of pioneering work on health inequalities in…
The newborn hearing screening test helps to identify babies who have permanent hearing loss as early as possible meaning parents can get the support and advice they need right from the start.…
Our looked after children service provides health services for looked after children from birth to 18 in North Tyneside and Northumberland. Looked after children are children and young people who…
High levels of satisfaction among volunteers at Northumbria Healthcare
High levels of satisfaction among volunteers at Northumbria Healthcare The clear physical, emotional and social benefits for those volunteering at Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust…
Patients benefiting from £5.5m investment in new theatres at North East hospital
Patients benefiting from £5.5m investment in new theatres at North East hospital Patients are now reaping the benefits following the completion of a £5.5million upgrade of the…
Occupational Therapy – Mental Health Services for Older People (MHSOP)
We support people over the age of 65 from North Tyneside who have complex mental health needs. We aim to provide a high-quality local service which is responsive, accessible and effective. We…
Are you a British Sign Language user? Do you need to contact our hospitals or other services? You can use video to chat with a qualified BSL interpreter. Use a computer, mobile phone, or…
Important information about group A strep
Important information about group A strep Group A streptococcus (GAS) is a common bacteria which can live harmlessly in our throats and on our skin. Sometimes GAS can cause mild illnesses…