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Bus bringing interactive session on medicines for older people to Northumberland
A programme which seeks to enhance care for older people is taking to the road, with a session on medicines taking place next month at a Northumberland hospital.
Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust launches action plan to tackle climate change
Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust has launched its new sustainability action plan to help tackle climate change and achieve net zero status by 2040.
Nationwide study launched to ensure best outcomes for joint replacement patients
An NHS research team is seeking thousands of people who are to undergo joint replacements for a major national study to improve patient experience and outcomes.
Northumbria Healthcare introduced virtual wards to the trust in 2022, the concept is described as a safe and efficient alternative to NHS bedded care that is enabled by technology.
North East NHS charity and Newcastle Eagles join forces to address men’s mental health challenges
A North East NHS charity has partnered with the most successful British basketball team of all-time, the Newcastle Eagles, to raise awareness for men’s mental health.
NHS estates team partners with community beekeeper to celebrate 10th anniversary
The grounds of an NHS facility in Northumberland are buzzing with activity thanks to a new community partnership.
Midwife goes above and beyond to return sentimental blanket to new mother
Paula Barlow, midwife at Northumbria Healthcare Foundation Trust, went above and beyond to re-create a sentimental blanket for new mother, Sigourney Pattinson.
NHS trust’s Community Promise underlines holistic approach to health and wellbeing
A North East NHS trust continues to lead the way nationally with its focus on all the ways it can support the health and wellbeing of the communities it serves.
Wider roll-out of scheme to keep patients active and engaged in hospital
An initiative which helps hospital inpatients stay active and engaged is being expanded into more wards so that more people can benefit.
Northumberland minor injuries unit to temporarily close
A Northumberland minor injuries unit will need to temporarily close as a result of the next period of industrial action.