Page results

  • Returning used walking aids

    Returning used walking aids No longer need it? Return it! Using a refurbished walking aid is on average 98% lower in carbon emissions than using a new one and as part of our sustainability efforts,…

  • Book online

  • Haltwhistle War Memorial Hospital

  • Accessibility

    This page was last updated 19 July 2023. This accessibility statement applies to This website is run by Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust. We want as many…

  • Medical Day Case Unit / Discharge Lounge

    Location North Tyneside General Hospital Ward Name / Number Medical Day Unit/Discharge Lounge (formerly ward 18)…

  • Elective Orthopaedic Unit / Ward 10

    Location  Wansbeck General Hospital Ward Name / Number Elective Orthopaedic Unit / Ward 10 Direct dial telephone number 01670 529107…

  • Northumbria Healthcare focused on the future despite continued Covid pressures

    Northumbria Healthcare focused on the future despite continued Covid pressures Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust has announced its intention to go ‘further, faster’ as it…

  • New investment in surgical technology by Northumbria Healthcare

    New investment in surgical technology by Northumbria Healthcare Ultra-modern robotic surgery has arrived in Northumberland and North Tyneside for the very first time with Northumbria Healthcare…

  • Help do your bit for your local NHS

    Help do your bit for your local NHS NHS teams across the region are calling on everyone to help #DoYourBit as hospitals, GPs and paramedics try to manage another surge of pressure on vital…

  • Parkinson’s Service

    Whatever the reason you come to us, you will receive all the support that you need when you are under our care. We may see you in our service for lots of reasons – we look after patients with…