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Next generation excited to get going as Trust welcomes first Sunderland students
Next generation excited to get going as Trust welcomes first Sunderland students Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust has welcomed its first cohort of students from the North…
NHS trust’s system for staff to raise concerns sparks prestigious awards nomination
NHS trust’s system for staff to raise concerns sparks prestigious awards nomination The open culture for staff at Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust to raise concerns and ensure…
Northumbria Healthcare to reflect on past year at AGM next week
Northumbria Healthcare to reflect on past year at AGM next week People will be able to find out more about NHS hospital and community services in Northumberland and North Tyneside at a public…
A further £2million to be invested in Northumberland’s community mental health services
A further £2million to be invested in Northumberland’s community mental health services Community mental health services for people with serious mental illness in Northumberland are to…
Local NHS rally to stand in solidarity with Ukraine
Local NHS rally to stand in solidarity with Ukraine A group of NHS staff has responded to the situation in Ukraine with a monumental effort to rally colleagues across the North East to provide…
Partners outline efforts to boost health and wellbeing across North Tyneside
Partners outline efforts to boost health and wellbeing across North Tyneside A comprehensive partnership approach to improving health and wellbeing and tackling inequalities across North…
Cardiology registrar at Northumbria Healthcare to receive teaching medal
Cardiology registrar at Northumbria Healthcare to receive teaching medal A cardiologist in training has won a prestigious award for medical teaching for his efforts while at Northumbria…
Two North East hospital trusts have partnered up to manufacture FFP3 masks for staff
Two North East hospital trusts have partnered up to manufacture FFP3 masks for staff Together, QE Facilities Ltd and the Northumbria Healthcare Innovation and Manufacturing Hub are leading the way…
National praise for Northumbria Healthcare’s ‘commitment to scholarship’
National praise for Northumbria Healthcare’s ‘commitment to scholarship’ Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust is one of the inaugural winners of a prestigious prize for…
To mark Bowel Cancer Awareness Month Heather Dixon tells us more about her role as a lead specialist screening practitioner My name is Heather Dixon and I’m the lead specialist screening…