Page results

  • Patients and visitors

  • Acute medicine and clinical infection

    A consultant-led service provided alongside specialist nurse practitioners A range of services are offered including medical ambulatory care, a short-stay ward, a Medical Admissions Unit and a…

  • Support options

    There are lots of interactive apps and tools to help you quit Just download them onto your phone to help you make a plan, or just to have support whenever you need it. Here are some of our…

  • Northumbria Local Health Index

    The Office for National Statistics (ONS) produces a Health Index which gives a big picture view of the nation's health. It helps show how health changes from one area to another to inform…

  • Media enquiries

    We welcome interest from journalists in our hospitals, other facilities and services. All media enquiries and requests for interviews, filming and photography should be directed to: Cara…

  • Thresholds

    Standing Financial Instructions NHS procurement is not only governed by procurement regulations at a European and national level but also a local level via our Standing Financial Instructions.

  • Contraception

    Contraception is used to prevent unplanned pregnancies. There are many options available to prevent a pregnancy, as well as condoms to protect you from both pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted…

  • Backlog recovery: Trust leaders are rightly ambitious about what the NHS can achieve

    Backlog recovery: Trust leaders are rightly ambitious about what the NHS can achieve A new four-part series of podcasts from NHS Providers highlights how trusts are responding with commitment…

  • Northumbria Healthcare among best acute trusts in NHS

    Northumbria Healthcare among best acute trusts in NHS Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust has been highlighted as among the best in the NHS at a major national awards scheme. It…

  • Advanced Critical Care Practitioner Jenny Graham shares what she loves about her role on International Nurses Day

    Advanced Critical Care Practitioner Jenny Graham shares what she loves about her role on International Nurses Day Hello, my name is Jenny and I have been a qualified nurse for 15 years. I…