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Online payments can now be accepted 24 hours a day using our secure internet payments system for each of the services listed below. When making payment please provide as much information as possible…
Northumbria Healthcare has been rated the best in class out of all acute and community hospital trusts in the latest national staff survey Staff working at Northumbria Healthcare NHS…
Medical Day Case Unit Manager Nikki Simpson shares her passion for what she does on International Nurses Day My name’s Niki and I’m the manager of the Medical Day Case Units at…
New community-facing posts for GP trainees launched
New community-facing posts for GP trainees launched Trainee GPs will be getting exposure to the full range of community health services in Northumberland and North Tyneside through a range of…
Students’ artworks with wellbeing focus unveiled at Berwick hospital site
Students’ artworks with wellbeing focus unveiled at Berwick hospital site Graffiti-inspired artworks by students at Berwick Academy covering health and wellbeing themes are brightening up…
A colposcopy is a way to take a look at your cervix, the lower part of the womb at the top of your vagina. It's often done if cervical screening (also known…
Strike action – A&E and 999 for life-threatening emergencies only
Strike action – A&E and 999 for life-threatening emergencies only Emergency and urgent care centres in the North East and North Cumbria will remain open for life-threatening…
Here you will find information about national cancer charities.
We know that many patients worry about the financial impact of cancer. More information on the help and support available is below: