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Study reveals level of incorrect allergy labels which help to drive antibiotic resistance
A team at a North East NHS trust has launched a project to tackle the issues caused by patients incorrectly being labelled as allergic to certain medicines.
Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust were delighted to play a role in the opening of a brand-new healthcare training facility at Northumberland school, Bede Academy.
Berwick-based artists wanted for new art exhibition
Bright, Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust’s official charity, is calling out for Berwick-based artists to take part in a new exhibition planned for Berwick Infirmary.
New midwifery-led unit has delivered its first baby
The new midwifery-led unit at Hexham General Hospital has had its first babies delivered by student midwife Phillipa Talbot, who also delivered the last baby to be born in the old maternity unit.
North East health trust warns of increase in norovirus cases in its hospitals
Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust is reporting an increase of norovirus, the winter vomiting bug, cases at some of its hospital sites.
North East hospitals team up with the ambulance service to improve air quality in the region
Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and Newcastle Hospitals have signed a commitment alongside the North East Ambulance Service (NEAS) to ask ambulance crews to turn off their engines when they stop at Northumbria Specialist Emergency Care Hospital in Cramlington, the Freeman Hospital and the Royal Victoria Infirmary.
We offer a one stop shop for assessing, prescribing and loaning wheelchairs including powered and manual wheelchairs for a minimum of six months. This includes accessories such as cushions and specialist seating equipment. Typically you will be referred to us by a healthcare professional e.g. your GP, physiotherapist, occupational therapist etc. We are based in Seaton Delaval and support people, their families, and carers with wheelchair and equipment services to promote independence and improve quality of life. For short term loans of wheelchairs and equipment please visit British Red Cross website.
Partners to change drone site in Northumbria to ensure maximum benefits from the project
The location for a proposed drone hub in Northumberland will change after hearing feedback from the local community.
Northumbria Healthcare is delighted to support the #SASsix national campaign, a roadmap for improving the careers for specialty, specialists speciality and associate specialist (SAS) doctors and dentists, who play a key role in medical workforce.
Healthcare trust recognised for commitment to workforce development
Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust has achieved silver membership in The 5% Club.