Page results

  • Emotional wellbeing

    A diagnosis of cancer is a life-changing event. It is normal and understandable to feel distressed. Adjusting to the impact of a cancer diagnosis and your treatment Dealing with the changes to…

  • Health inequalities annual report

    We set up our Health Inequalities Programme Board to identify health inequalities in our services. It then aims to tackle them and improve patient care. This report explains what we have been doing…

  • Dental services

    You may be referred into our dental service if you need specialised treatment not provided within your own family dental practice.  It is available for adults and children living in…

  • Nutrition and dietetics

    The Nutrition and Dietetics Service is a team consisting of Dietitians, Dietetic Assistant/Practitioners, Nurses and Administration staff.  We see patients across all of Northumbria (adults and…

  • While you're with us

    When you arrive, our staff and hospital volunteers will be happy to direct you to the ward or department you need to go to. As some of the hospitals are large, our maps should help you see where…

  • Research on life expectancy highlights need for vital health inequalities efforts

    Research on life expectancy highlights need for vital health inequalities efforts New research on life expectancy has underlined the importance of pioneering work on health inequalities in…

  • Newborn Hearing Screening

    The newborn hearing screening test helps to identify babies who have permanent hearing loss as early as possible meaning parents can get the support and advice they need right from the start.…

  • Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Support

    Find out about the help and support available for children and young people aged 0 to 18 with special educational needs and/or a disability (SEND) and their families here. Our children’s…

  • Encouraging active pregnancies through new aquanatal classes in Northumberland

    Encouraging active pregnancies through new aquanatal classes in Northumberland Midwives are leading aquanatal classes in two Northumberland towns as part of efforts to support physical…

  • Local gift shop has raised thousands for NHS workers in Northumberland and North Tyneside.

    Local gift shop has raised thousands for NHS workers in Northumberland and North Tyneside. A Whitley Bay gift shop has raised £10,000 for a local health trust. Since the beginning of…