The Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) will provide you with confidential advice and support if you have any concerns or queries about any aspect of your care. Please note that responses to concerns will be provided verbally. 

You can also share compliments or make general comments about your care.

The service aims to:

  • Listen to and advise and support patients, their families, carers and staff
  • Act independently to help resolve issues
  • Provide information on services
  • Sign-post you to appropriate organisations to help you

Your details

Address Required

Patient details

(If you are not the patient)

Date of Birth

PALS asks for additional information for monitoring purposes but you do not have to provide this.

I give my consent to North of Tyne PALS, and staff who are involved with or responsible for my care and treatment, to access and share any information which is relevant to the issues which PALS is pursuing on my behalf.

Please note if the issue is about someone else PALS may need to contact them to gain their consent.

If you choose to be contacted by email please find below some guidance about using email and the security risks involved when providing personal and/or confidential information.Email contact Disclaimer

We recognise that email is a convenient and preferred method of communication for many people however prior to responding to your queries via email we would be grateful if you could read the information below and confirm by replying to this email that you are happy to communicate in this way.

You should be aware that not all email services are encrypted and as such are not secure when they travel along the internet; they can be intercepted, read or amended without the knowledge of the sender or intended recipient. This may lead to a breach of your confidentiality. Also, we cannot ensure that the intended recipient is the only reader of any emails in circumstances where households share email addresses and therefore unintentional access to private information could take place.

I would therefore be grateful if you could please confirm you fully understand the risks involved with email communications from North of Tyne PALS via email to enable us to continue communicating with you via this method.

I would like to communicate with North of Tyne PALS by email. I confirm that I understand that email services are not a secure medium. I also understand that there is a possibility that my emails and the responses could be intercepted and read by someone else. I will bear this in mind in deciding how much information to seek and how much information to disclose by email.

If, at any time you no longer wish to be contacted via email, please contact North of Tyne PALS at or telephone Freephone 0800 0320202

For further details on how we use your information or if you have any issues or any questions please access the following link.
