Our urology service deals with specific diseases of the male genito-urinary system and female urinary tract.
We understand that urological conditions can be sensitive and distressing, and we will treat you, and your relatives, with utmost dignity and sensitivity, as well as providing you with the highest quality of care in a safe and comfortable environment.
If you are a male patient you may come to us with disorders of the prostate, testicles, penis, kidney and bladder, along with general urology conditions. Female patients can be treated for kidney, bladder and urinary problems.
For some urological conditions, you will be seen in a clinic specific to that condition, and you may initially see a nurse specialist with expertise in the treatment and care of your condition. We run special clinics for the following urological conditions:
Erectile dysfunction
This clinic is for men who have problems with erections and is run by a nurse specialist.
Haematuria clinic
If you seen blood in your urine or have tested positive for blood in your urine we will see you in this clinic. You will be given an assessment and an explanation of the necessary investigations and procedures that may be carried out. Some investigations may be carried out while you are in the clinic or arranged for a later date. These may include:
- Samples of blood and urine
- A renal ultrasound scan
- An intravenous urogram where you will be injected with a radio-opaque dye and x-rays will be taken as the dye passes through your body
- Flexible cystoscopy where the bladder is examined using a telescopic camera – you will be given a local anaesthetic before the examination
Intermittent self catheterisation
You may come to this clinic if you have difficulty emptying your bladder. These clinics are run by the nursing team who will teach you to self-catheterise for bladder emptying or dilatation.
Intra-vesical chemotherapy
If you have cancer of the bladder you may receive this treatment which involves chemotherapy drugs being given directly into the bladder through a small catheter. You can have this treatment as a day patient at our general hospitals.
If your consultant considers you need to have surgery, they will discuss this with you beforehand. Generally you will be able to have surgery at Wansbeck or North Tyneside general hospitals, but sometimes patients need to be referred to the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle depending on their condition.
Day case surgery is carried out at all our general hospitals - Hexham, North Tyneside and Wansbeck. Follow up appointments after surgery are held at the hospital where you were initially treated.
If you have a question or concern call our switchboard on 0344 811 8111 and ask to be put through to the urology secretary at the hospital where you are having treatment.
Video consultations

We can offer online consultations where appropriate via a video call to make it easier for you to attend.
Rather than travelling to your appointment, you will receive a text or email before your appointment and simply need to click to join. Find out more here.