We can help with a range of conditions and our physiotherapists work across different services including:
- Musculo-skeletal (upper limb, lower limb, spine) and pain management
- Neurological and elderly rehabilitation
- Critical care
- Cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation
- Orthopaedics and rheumatology
- Women’s health (continence, breast care, ante/post natal, colorectal)
- Paediatrics
We see patients in our hospitals, in the community or in your own home depending on your needs.
If you’re with us in our general hospitals we provide physiotherapy seven days a week and at our community hospitals five days a week.
If we are seeing you as an outpatient at one of our general hospital sites, we are able to offer some early morning and evening appointments across the week. Please contact the relevant physiotherapy department to find an appointment time which is suitable for you.
We have physiotherapists that specialise in a number of areas including:
If you are an elderly patient with complex problems, you may benefit from rehabilitation, for example after a fall. This can help you to build up your confidence, improve your strength and balance and generally help you to cope better.
Our neurological rehabilitation team provides physiotherapy to patients with a range of conditions including multiple sclerosis, motor neurone disease and following head injury. Treatments are aimed at improving your mobility and promoting quality of life.
Our neurological rehabilitation team provides physiotherapy to patients with a range of conditions including multiple sclerosis, motor neurone disease and following head injury. Treatments are aimed at improving your mobility and promoting quality of life.
If you have suffered from a stroke you may be left with problems with your movement, balance, co-ordination and sensation. As stroke affects everyone in different ways, you and your physiotherapist will agree a treatment programme to help with your specific problems.
We have physiotherapists who specialise in conditions specific to women such as ante and post-natal care, following gynaecological and breast surgery and continence care.
Physiotherapists will help you regain your mobility following joint replacement surgery, fractures or other injuries.
If you have an inflammatory condition such as rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis or other rheumatological conditions, physiotherapy can be of benefit. Treatment may help to preserve your joints, ease pain, maintain your function and help with your mobility.
If you have long-term pain from an ongoing problem, you may be referred to physiotherapy to learn how to self-manage your condition. The team can help to plan an exercise programme specifically for you.
Conditions such as obstructive airways disease, asthma and breathing problems can be improved with physiotherapy by teaching strategies to improve your breathing control and improve exercise tolerance. Treatment can be carried out either on the wards, in a group setting or in your own home.
If you have been in hospital or attended the cardiac clinic you may be referred for cardiac rehabilitation. Our physiotherapists are part of this team which aims to help restore your physical and mental wellbeing.
Our children’s physiotherapists provide assessment and treatment for children aged 0-18 years who live or attend school in Northumberland or North Tyneside.
Physiotherapy may benefit children with movement difficulties, for example those who have a diagnosis of cerebral palsy, gross motor delay, duchene muscular dystrophy, soft tissue injury or bony fractures.
Your child will be seen in the most suitable location for them, whether it’s at home, at school, in a hospital clinic or local health centre.
Our palliative care patients may be seen in hospital or at home by a physiotherapist specialising in end of life care.
Video consultations
We can offer online consultations where appropriate via a video call to make it easier for you to attend.
Rather than travelling to your appointment, you will receive a text or email before your appointment and simply need to click to join. Find out more here.