Contraception helps prevent pregnancy. Condoms can also help protect you from Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). Different types of contraception suit different people. Contraception is free for everyone aged 13 and above.
Find what might work for you from the options below.
This is a barrier method that a man or woman can use. It does not contain any hormones.
This is a small flexible rod fitted just under the skin in the upper arm. It lasts for up to 3 years. It contains the hormone progestogen.
This is fitted into the womb. It lasts for up to 3 to 10 years depending on the type. It can contain the hormone progestogen or not depending on the type.
This is injected into the buttocks, arm or leg every 13 weeks. It contains the hormone progestogen.
These are taken orally. There are different types to suit you. Some contain the hormones oestrogen and progestogen. There are different dosing schedules depending on the type.
This is a flexible ring which is placed inside the vagina. It contains the hormones oestrogen and progestogen.
This is a small patch stuck onto the skin. It releases the hormones oestrogen and progestogen.
This is a barrier method of contraception that fits inside the vagina. It does not contain any hormones.
This is when the tubes carrying sperm in men are cut, sealed or blocked. It does not involve any hormones.
Visit NHS Choices to find out more about all of the options for contraception, so you can consider which one is right for you.
Think you might be pregnant or at risk of an STI?
If you have sex without contraception or if your contraception fails you might be pregnant or at risk of an STI.
We recommend you call for advice as soon as possible: 0344 728 0554.
For more information you can visit our free emergency contraception page: Free Emergency Contraception :: Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust or our pregnancy decision making page: Pregnancy Decision Making :: Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
You can also visit our STIs and testing page for more information: STIs and testing :: Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust