Bronchiectasis is a common lung condition. It often causes breathlessness, cough, mucus production, and regular chest infections.

Our team aims to support diagnosis and long-term management of bronchiectasis.

We look after patients with a broad range of lung conditions. We specialise in looking after patients with bronchiectasis and certain lung infections, such as TB (tuberculosis). 

Your GP or another healthcare professional can refer you to our clinics.

At your first appointment, you will have a face-to-face appointment with a specialist doctor.

We will arrange more tests if you need them. These might include breathing tests, blood tests, a CT scan, and sputum samples.

If you do have bronchiectasis, we will discuss treatment options. We will arrange for you to see other members of the team, such as physiotherapists or specialist nurses. They can help you control and manage your condition.

We will ask about:

  • Your symptoms and problems you are having
  • How often you get chest infections
  • Whether you had chest problems as a child or young adult
  • Your general health
  • Relevant lifestyle factors

Exact treatment will depend on the problems you are having. Treatment will suit your needs. It will include:

  • Education and advice
  • Referral to colleagues (e.g., physiotherapists, specialist nurses, speech and language therapists)
  • Medications

Bronchiectasis is a lifelong condition. We hope that with simple measures and treatments you can control your symptoms without needing regular hospital appointments, but sometimes this can be needed.

Bronchiectasis is a chronic lung condition. A combination of medication, lifestyle change and the correct monitoring can control symptoms and reduce the impact it has on your life.