If you need medication as part of your treatment with us then the pharmacy team will help organise what you need.
Whether it’s helping to take a medicines history at pre-admission or admission, checking your own medicines are suitable for use, prescribing your treatment, supplying or dispensing your medicines, pharmacy staff work alongside doctors and nurses to ensure that you receive the medicines you require when you are in hospital and, where necessary, can get information and support you need when you go home.
Coming into Hospital
Our hospital staff need to obtain a clear record of all the medicines you take so if you are coming into hospital please bring the following with you:
- All your medicines when you are admitted. This includes any tablets, liquids, creams, eye drops, inhalers, sprays, insulin patches any medicines (including herbal or homeopathic remedies) you have bought.
- Your repeat prescription sheet from your GP.
- Medicines in their original packs if possible, with the community pharmacy’s label on. If you use a tablet organiser/box or a reminder chart please bring that in with you. This helps our staff to confirm the dose you take.
As it is so important that you bring your medicines with you, if you forget or were admitted in an emergency and unable to, then we may ask your family, carers or visitors to bring them in.
Your medicines will be stored in individual lockable bedside cabinets during your stay in hospital. This allows your own regular medication to be used during your stay and it also helps avoid delays when it is time for you to be discharged.
It is important that you do not take any medicines without the hospital staff knowing. All medicines which you take in hospital need to be prescribed and we record what you have taken or been given.
Any new or additional medicines you need will be provided by the hospital pharmacy.
Medicines which are no longer required will be removed and, with your permission, safely destroyed.
Whilst you are in hospital, if you have any questions about your medicines, then please make sure you ask one of the ward staff. Pharmacy staff are available routinely on most wards or can be asked to come and talk to you if you have any problems or questions.
Leaving Hospital
When you leave hospital please check with the nurse that you have all your medicines and /or that you are clear on where to obtain any further supplies. You should be given at least seven days’ supply of your medication when you leave hospital, along with written and/or verbal instructions. There may be occasions, for example when pharmacy is closed, when you or your carer/family member may be given a prescription to take to your community pharmacy for dispensing so that you can get home without any delay.
We know that patients are given a lot of information while they are in hospital and it’s very easy to forget. However it’s very important that you understand the purpose of any new medication before you leave hospital, including knowing if there are any side effects to look out for. We encourage patients and their carers/families to ask any questions they may have before they leave hospital. Where we think it’s important for you to receive some follow-up about your medicines after discharge, we may also arrange for a healthcare professional to provide that further advice and support. This will be explained to you before you leave.
Contacts and Pharmacy Opening Times
We have dispensaries at the following sites. If you have a problem with our medicines after discharge, then please contact the relevant site using the number provided.
North Tyneside General Hospital (also dispenses all discharge medicines for Northumbria Specialist Emergency Care Hospital)
0344 811 8111
Extension 112929
Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm
Wansbeck General Hospital
01670 529427
Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm
Hexham General Hospital
01434 655041
Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm
Approved medicines
The trust follows the Shared Formulary for the North East / North Cumbria Integrated Care System, which includes the medicines approved for use in NHS organisations across the North East and North Cumbria. The formulary, and details of how it works, can be found on their website here: https://www.northeastnorthcumbriaformulary.nhs.uk/