This pathway is for patients with symptoms that don't easily fit into another pathway.

These symptoms may include:

  • New unexplained and unplanned weight loss
  • New unexplained and significant symptoms of four weeks or more. Symptoms MUST be new and MUST NOT be chronic or long-standing. Can include loss of appetite, fatigue, nausea, malaise, bloating.
  • New, unexplained serious and ongoing stomach pain of four weeks or more
  • New unexplained, unexpected or worsening pain. This includes bone or back pain of four weeks or more
  • GP ‘gut feeling’ of cancer

The aim of the NSSS is to see patients with non-specific symptoms quickly. This means serious problems like cancer are either ruled out or picked up earlier.


NSSS lead specialist nurse: Rachel Jones

Telephone: 01434 655426

Mobile: 07814 607228

NSSS clinical lead: Mr Bill Cunliffe

Secretary: Jenny Thompson - 01670 564026