Sometimes following a birth it is helpful to talk through your experience.

BirthReflection.jpgThis might be if things haven’t gone the way you or your birth partner expected, or if you just want to reflect on your experience. We offer mothers who have had their baby with us the opportunity to spend time talking this through with a midwife.

You can refer yourself into the service using the below form. Please note you must be six weeks postnatal or your referral will not be processed. Please provide as much information as possible on the form in order for us to assess accordingly.

We can offer a face to face session or a telephone appointment with a senior midwife. Following this if we feel you may need more support we can refer you to our health psychology service, or one of our medical services. Please talk to your midwife if you would like to know more.

This form will be used for assessment and you will be contacted by a member of the maternity team. Please note this is a busy service and wait times can vary. We appreciate your patience.

How did you know about the birth reflection service?
Can you give us an idea of the most important thing for you that you would like to address in birth reflection (tick as many options as feels relevant):
It would be helpful if you can give us some basic information about your delivery. Was your delivery (please tick)

We will be in touch with you as soon as possible.