Our haematology team
We see patients with a variety of conditions, both cancerous and not. They may require different types of treatments and management.
Some examples of these conditions include:
Blood cancers
- Leukaemia
- Hodgkin’s lymphoma
- Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
- Myeloma
- Myelodysplastic syndrome
- Myeloproliferative neoplasm
Non-cancerous conditions
- Aplastic anaemia
- Immune thrombocytopenia
The tests required to find your problem may take place as an inpatient or outpatient.
Your medical or nursing team will explain what you need. This may include blood tests, scans or a bone marrow biopsy.
You will get written or electronic information following diagnosis.
The treatment you may have depends on your condition, but may include:
- Chemotherapy
- Immunoglobulin therapy
- Radiotherapy
- Supportive therapies such as blood transfusions
- Targeted drug therapies
- Venesection
- Research or clinical trials if they are available
You may have these treatments alone or together. You can have some treatments at home. Others take place during a haematology clinic in our hospital units. This depends upon the type of treatment you need. We hold clinics at Hexham, Wansbeck, North Tyneside, Alnwick and Berwick.
We work closely with the Northern Centre for Cancer Care at the Freeman Hospital. It provides radiotherapy and other treatments which may require a stay.
The below video is for patients, their families and carers. It aims to provide all the information needed before your first radiotherapy appointment at the Northern Centre for Cancer Care.
Your haematology team consists of:
Consultant haematologist. They will take you through your diagnosis and explain how we will manage your disease. They will plan treatment if needed and keep track of your progress with the wider team.
Haematology advanced clinical practitioners. With the consultants, they will plan any treatment or procedures you need. They will be involved in the maintenance of your disease.
Haematology clinical nurse specialist. They are also your key worker. They are is in charge of:
- Providing expert nursing advice to you, your carers and other health professionals.
- Providing contact details for you to gain information and support.
- Coordinating your care
You may be asked to attend outpatient clinic appointments with any of the above.
Patient care coordinator. They can give support and signposting to specialist services and charities.
Secretaries / clerical officers. They can help with appointment changes and transport.
Trust wide
Becky Watson, patient / cancer care coordinator
(All sites) 07970 841666
- Dr Alex Langridge, consultant haematologist
- Dr Chris Williams, consultant haematologist
- Susan Duffy, advanced clinical practitioner
- Emily Stewart, clinical nurse specialist
01434 655001
North Tyneside
- Dr Charlotte Bomken, consultant haematologist
- Dr Chris Williams, consultant haematologist
- Dr Smeera Nair, consultant haematologist
- Dr Mari Kilner, consultant haematologist
- Dr Chris Tiplady, consultant haematologist
- Dr Nikki Redding, consultant haematologist
- Susan Duffy, advanced clinical practitioner
- Catherine Ashbrook-Raby, Donna Morton, Lauren Higgins
Clinical nurse specialists
- Dr George Holmes, consultant haematologist
- Dr Simon Lyons, consultant haematologist
- Dr Nitha Ramachandran, consultant haematologist
- Dr Jennifer Swieton, consultant haematologist
- Dr Alex Langridge, consultant haematologist
- Rebecca Dewar, advanced clinical practitioner
- Carolyn Misola, clinical nurse specialist
01670 529816
Out of hours contact numbers
For chemotherapy patients who require urgent out of hours advice, please refer to your cancer treatment record book. This will contain the most up-to-date contact information.