When someone you know and care about dies from cancer, it is devastating and can feel like a huge loss. It can affect you both physically and mentally. 

Grieving is not just one feeling, it usually involves a whole range of different feelings. Grief is the intense mix of emotions, feelings and physical effects that you may feel following the loss of someone significant in your life. Grief is very personal to you. 

Everyone feels grief differently and there’s no right or wrong way to react.

Bereavement is the period during which you grieve. It is a time of sorrow and yearning, missing the person you cared about and their place in your life.

If your partner, friend or relative has died, you may find it hard to cope with your emotions as well as the practical things that you need to do following their death.  There is a lot of help and support to guide you through this.

Help and support is available from:

Cruse Bereavement: www.cruse.org.uk

Macmillan Cancer Support: Coping with bereavement | Macmillan Cancer Support

Macmillan Support Services at Northumbria provides emotional and social support to adults following any bereavement.  To find out more information, please contact the local offices on:

North Tyneside: 0191 293 4377

Northumberland: 016701 855533

Marie Curie: Bereavement support | Grief support (mariecurie.org.uk)

The Good Grief Trust: Home – The Good Grief Trust

The Loss Foundation: The Loss Foundation – National cancer bereavement charity

WAY (Widowed and Young)Welcome To WAY :: WAY Widowed and Young

Hospice Care North NorthumberlandFamily Bereavement Support | Hospicecare North Northumberland | England

HospiceCare North Northumberland offers family bereavement support.  Delivered by trained volunteers and led by the family support coordinator.  This service is free and confidential to anyone aged over 18 years and who are registered with a GP in their catchment area.

You can refer yourself to this service: telephone 01665 606515 (Alnwick area) or01289 309997 (Berwick area) or you can speak to your GP about referring you.

HospiceCare North Northumberland also have drop-in bereavement cafes, held at their Wellbeing Centres in Alnwick and Berwick.  These are free to attend, and available to anyone aged over 18 years.

Alnwick drop-in cafe is held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month, 10am to 11.30am.

Berwick drop-in cafe is held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month, 10am to 11.30am.

For more information you can call 01665 606515 or 01289 309997 or emailcareteam@hospicecare-nn-org.uk

The Grief Circle: A funded support group for bereaved people in Northumberland, North Tyneside and surrounding areas. Held at Live well with Cancer, North Tyneside. For more information, see www.livewellwithcancer.co.uk/

Tynedale Hospice offers bereavement support for anyone in the Tynedale area. For more information you can speak to your GP, Macmillan nurse, Oncology Day Unit team or visit www.tynedalehospice.com


For children

Winston's Wish: Winston's Wish - giving hope to grieving children (winstonswish.org)