
North Tyneside General Hospital

Ward Name / Number

Urgent treatment centre

Direct dial telephone number

0191 293 2515

Location of ward

Ground floor to the left of the main entrance.

Type of ward

The urgent treatment centre is part of a GP-led urgent care service, which cares for patients with minor injuries and ailments 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 

Please note that walk-in access is only available from 8am until midnight

If you think you need care outside of these hours please dial NHS 111 for advice.

Ward Manager’s name

Sandra Laidler

Additional Ward Notes


The unit treats conditions including minor head, ear or eye problems, broken nose or nose bleed, sprains, strains, cuts and bites, children's minor injuries and ailments, minor fractures or broken bones, abscesses and wound infections. 

Please ‘talk before you walk’ - calling NHS 111 before you travel will help ensure you see the right service first time.