
Berwick Infirmary

Ward Name / Number

Berwick Infirmary

Direct dial telephone number

01289 356613

Location of ward

Follow signposts to 'Mather Unit'

Type of ward

Ambulatory Care

Ward visiting times

As this is a day hospital for treatments only there is no visiting.

What patients may need to know about the daily routine on the ward

Patients will be transported to the Day Hospital by ambulance anytime between 9am-11am and discharged from 2pm onwards.

Patients can come in under their own transport if preferred. Depending on treatment requirements not all patients are required to remain all day, some only need to attend for a procedure which may take 30 mins - in this instance own transport would be more appropriate.

The healthcare team will be in a meeting with the consultant every alternative Tuesday morning.

Are the numbers restricted?

As it is a day surgery unit, there is no visiting other than to pick patients up.

Protected meal times

12 - 12.30pm and relatives are welcome to help the patient with their meal.

Time of consultant rounds

Every Tuesday, mid-morning.

Ward Manager’s name

Dawn Matthews

When is the best time for relatives to contact the ward to check on patient?

Please call between 9am and 4pm Monday to Friday.