Publish date: 26 July 2023
Allotment inspires exhibition by arts disability group at Northumberland hospital
An exhibition by a Northumberland-based arts disability group is the latest to open at one of the area’s hospitals this summer.
It is part of Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust’s commitment to supporting patient and staff wellbeing, with the well-established healing arts programme by its charity Bright using art to enhance the hospital environment for patients, visitors, and staff.
The latest exhibition at the Northumbria Specialist Emergency Care Hospital (NSECH), in Cramlington, features work from the town’s Northern Butterflies group.
Northern Butterflies is a small creative charity based in Cramlington who work with adults to develop creative skills and have a voice of their own. They provide workshops in art, music and performance arts and run a community allotment.
Four Seasons is inspired by nature, and in particular, the group’s allotment.
The three artworks include a poem that was written by Justine Clerkson, a volunteer in the group. The other two involved everyone and represent the four seasons using a variety of materials.
The artworks allow the viewer to enjoy the outdoor scenes that depict peacefulness and tranquillity.
An opening recently took place for the new exhibition, with the Northern Butterflies being welcomed to the hospital by both the trust’s outgoing chair, Professor Alan Richardson, and his successor, Sir Paul Ennals CBE.
Also on display at NSECH currently is The Teddy Bear Cabinet, which features a collection of portraits of 12 handcrafted teddy bears, resembling 19th-century cabinet cards, an early form of photography often displayed in glass cabinets.
In this exhibition is by North Tyneside-based Dr Christina Kolaiti, each teddy bear represents a baby, as this project is inspired by British psychologist John Bowlby’s Theory of Attachment, which highlights the importance of the mother-infant relationship.
Meanwhile, at North Tyneside General Hospital, Terry Harbinson, an artist from Jarrow, has recently opened his new exhibition, Sea – carved coastline, moor and mountain.
It features several oil paintings of Northumbrian landscapes and showcases the natural and historic beauty of North-East England.
To find out more about Northern Butterflies, contact sam6productions