Publish date: 11 August 2021
Paula Darkin, mouthcare lead dental nurse and trainer for the trust, lets us know how we can take care of our oral health
Spitting is largely considered one of the worst habits a person can have but that is what you should do after brushing your teeth…..DON’T RINSE!
“Spit don’t rinse” is the message I’m giving today as research reveals many of us could be putting our oral health at risk by making the mistake of rinsing after we brush our teeth.
Fluoride is the single-most important ingredient in toothpaste. It greatly helps our oral health by strengthening the tooth enamel, making it more resistant to tooth decay. It also reduces the amount of acid that the bacteria on your teeth produce.
By spitting the toothpaste out and not rinsing with water or mouthwash it ensures that the fluoride found in the majority of toothpastes will remain on your teeth will continue to be effective.
If you rinse your mouth with water or mouthwash straight after brushing it washes away the protective fluoride left behind.
Also, the majority of people who rinse are more likely to leave the tap running during brushing, wasting an average 12 litres of water every time. By turning the tap off during brushing you could save an estimated 8,760 litres of water (per person) every year.
FUN FACT: The average human produces 25,000 quarts of saliva (spit) in a
lifetime. That is enough saliva to fill 2 swimming pools!