At Northumbria Healthcare we have benefited from strong and stable leadership at the top of our organisation for many years and the board recognises the importance of leadership development.
For over ten years we have invested in developing senior leaders from within our own organisation and run a ‘strategic leadership development programme’ to make sure that we are continuously nurturing our leaders of the future.
Candidates are chosen by the board to take part in the unique one-year bespoke programme which is aimed at enhancing leadership skills, improving service delivery and our patients’ experiences, whilst also meeting the individual development needs of our people.
The programme begins with a two-day intensive residential which includes a 360 degrees leadership effectiveness analysis, one-to-one feedback, an overview of the approaches to self-directed learning, coaching and action learning.
Throughout the programme we explore the whole concept of effective leadership and its impact on improvement in the quality of care. We aim to provide participants with the knowledge and skills to be effective and respected leaders and offer the time and space to reflect within a structured approach to leadership learning. The programme is delivered by local and national experts in the field of leadership.